July 1, 2011

We Don't Want Kids Enjoying Milk Too Much, Do We?

I love Jamie Oliver's cooking shows (the "Mushrooms" episode of Jamie At Home is one of the most enjoyable half-hours of TV I've ever seen), but his "Food Revolution" show rubbed me the wrong way (i.e., it was a preachy, only semi-entertaining attempt to turn food policing into a reality show/social movement). Apparently, he helped inspire the recent yanking of flavored milks from L.A. school-lunch menus. As if the sugar obliterates the other health benefits of milk, or as if juice isn't very sugary. The schools have already expelled soda machines, so they need a new target. It's all for the kids, of course--it always is.

Or maybe they could switch to this brand, which is supposedly healthier than normal chocolate milk.

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