July 29, 2011

Image Problem

The L.A. Times Opinion section asks, "is America ready for a president who, frankly, doesn't look healthy?" They're referring to New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, who must really scare the MSM/liberal establishment because they're already starting up an "unhealthy" narrative against him even though he's not a candidate and, officially at least, denies that he's going to run in 2012.

The idea that excess cellulite would make you unfit for high office is a symptom of our Hollywoodized culture, in which style and substance have become indistinguishable in many people's minds. And who says that anyone really looks up to the President as an example of how they should eat and take care of themselves?

If Herman Cain was not seen as such a long shot in the presidential race, I'm sure the media would be making more of his selling of fattening foods as former CEO of Godfather's Pizza.

9/1 Update: The Wall Street Journal has an editorial on "Our Obsession with 'Looking Presidential'" that proves that many great leaders didn't 'look the part,' at least by today's standards.  

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