October 10, 2011

Obama's Cooked

While Americans are clearly losing their appetite for Obama, someone in China must think he's still marketable. By now, you may have seen this photo around the Internet of a restaurant in China called Obama Fried Chicken.

Obama fried chicken 2011 10 06

It warms my heart to think of how it must disturb the liberal food police to see their Dear Leader be associated with icky, evil fried foods. I imagine KFC's legal department is also less than amused.

Seeing this sign made me think of a few other ideas for Obama-themed chains:

Tac-O Bell
Slogan: Think Outside the Constitution

Slogan: That's What A One-Termer's All About

Mmmm ... small businesses are toasted!

Classic slogan: You Deserve Universal Health Care Today

Can't-I-Just-Eat-My-Waffle House
Slogan: If You Have Any Dough, We'll Stick It To Ya

Subway (You wouldn't need to change the name because Obama is in love with public transportation schemes like light rail)
Slogan: Eat Fresh from Michelle's White House Garden

DreamsFromMyGodfather's Pizza
Slogan: I Think I'll Trade Jobs with Herman Cain

Slogan: It's Get-The-Nation-In-A-Good-Mood-By-2012-Or-Else Food

(Other names and slogans are welcome in the comments. Or tweet them to  #ObamaRestaurants)

12/8/11 Update: Another Obama-themed restaurant has popped up overseas, this time in Sweden(Hat tip to The Wall Street's Journal's James Taranto, who humorously classified the headline "Hungry Swedes queue up for Obamas sausage" as "Too Much Information.")

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